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Mahcp Collective Agreement Deer Lodge

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*Some MOU numbers were deliberately left blank to ensure uniform numbering in all collective agreements Although approximately two-thirds of MAHCP Central Table members voted in favour of ratifying the interim agreement, five negotiating entities rejected the proposed settlement. (05) An application for maternity leave under Plan B must sign an agreement with the employer which provides: 1211 If the employer intends to make a substantial change to the normal working day, start and end times, normal shift, normal work week or normal shift rotation, the employer will seek the consent of the majority of the employees involved at a meeting. that will take place to discuss and consider such changes. A duly designated representative of the Association shall have seven (7) days to attend this meeting and express the Opinion of the Association on a proposal from the Employer and submit alternative proposals for consideration. If alternative proposals are not implemented, a 1501 a) In the event of an emergency or disaster (a sudden, usually unexpected event or a series of circumstances that overwhelm the employer`s available resources and have a significant impact that requires immediate action) is reported by the CEO/Chief Operating Officer or designated persons, employees are required to: perform the assigned duties notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement. Compensation for unusual working conditions related to such an emergency situation shall be determined by subsequent discussions between the employer and the association and/or, where appropriate, by the complaints procedure, with the exception that the provisions of Article 13 apply to overtime worked. Each of these employees will be surplus if reasonably possible. The association is notified by the employer when an application for an employee`s rehabilitation and return program is made. The employer must involve the association in the first meeting with the employee to review the provisions of the program to ensure that the specified work respects its limits and limitations. If necessary, the employer plans subsequent (advancement) reviews with the association and the employee and may proceed without the participation of the association, subject to the consent of the union.

If necessary, job offers may be lifted by agreement between the employer and the association. If necessary, the relevant provisions of the collective agreement may be derogated from by mutual agreement between the association and the employer. The MAHCP Bargaining Committee, consisting of Wendy Despins – President, Lee Manning – Executive Director and ten MAHCP members working in the 22 bargaining units of the MAHCP Central Table, recommended that members accept the provisional agreement. 3 Page 10 Page 3 Communications Committee Survey Bob Bulloch, Chair of the Communications Committee As some of you may recall, the Communications Committee distributed a survey in the December 7 newsletter. The objective of the survey was to evaluate the different communication tools used by the MAHCP. There were 139 responses. Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill it out and send it back to us. The investigation provided us with important information. – Many of you use the newsletter! 62.6% of respondents used this tool. Next came the staff representative and the website (46.8% and 35.3% respectively) – in terms of the perceived value of the different tools, the newsletter was also the winner. Interestingly, the gap between the most valuable tool and the lowest-rated tool was quite small. This shows that despite the fact that people definitely have their favorites, they have not devalued the usefulness of other tools.

It seems that the variety of instruments is seen as a positive thing, although how familiar are you with your collective agreement? if some of them are rarely used. – The website is ignored by 38.1%, visited less than a month by 32.4% and visited monthly or more frequently by 28.8%. In other words, about 60% use the site and 40% of respondents think the look, information and usability of the site is bad. 23% thought it was average and 33.8% thought it was good or very good. (41.7% didn`t comment, that`s about the same percentage indicating they didn`t visit the website) – Many people saw the “Eliminate Waiting” campaign. 52.5% watched TV commercials. 69.1% saw the billboards. 31.7% watched other media.

Only 12.2% did not see the ads. – The following questions were about the Eliminate the Wait website. Although he doesn`t see how often use gets, 56.8% have been to the site at least once. 2.2% of users said the site was bad, 16.5% said it was average, and 18% described it as good or very good. In this case, there were more non-respondents (63.3%) than the percentage of those who had not visited the site. – The last question was whether the “Eliminate Waiting” campaign had succeeded in increasing the visibility of the association. 29.5% said no. 14.4% said yes.

49.6% were undecided and 6.5% did not respond. At first glance, some may find this last point disappointing. At the time of the survey`s release, the “Eliminate Wait” campaign was about 8 months old, and TV commercials and billboards were probably a distant memory. If this campaign had been a one-off agreement, we would have accepted the disappointment. Since the publication of the survey, many of you will have noticed the next phase of the “Eliminate Waiting” campaign. These include new TV spots, radio spots and advertising for public transit buses. The campaign was not intended as a one-off agreement. It is difficult to create an identity for such a diverse group of health professionals, and this is seen as a multi-year task. The first phase was to introduce identity and slogan.

The next phase was to build on this identity and expand it by focusing more on the professionals who make it up. The task is far from over. In fact, it will never be reached. We hope that the 49.6% of you who were undecided (i.e. were open), the development of the campaign will find your approval. Question: Are we still covered by a collective agreement beyond the expiry date of the collective agreement? Answer: YES, article 3102 states that the collective agreement is in effect until the expiry date and thereafter, until a revised collective agreement is signed or the contract is terminated in writing by one of the parties with 2 weeks` notice. In addition, under the Industrial Relations Act, the conditions contained in the collective agreement are still in effect for a period of 12 months, unless there is an agreement on a change between the union and management, or the members strike or are locked out during that period. The 12-month period may be extended. The information contained in this question is intended to be a general rule and should not be considered exhaustive when considering a possibility in a work environment. .


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